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SenSquare is an IoT service middleware able to collect raw sensor data from open sources (e.g. OpenWeather, ARPA, ThingSpeak …) or Mobile Crowdsensing dedicated campaigns and deliver it in the form of aggregate services. Final users can build their own services through a visual programming language and instantiate them in geographic areas. Try the current release version out at You can also read the main publication.

Scraping 5 New Data Sources

The platform needs to be enriched with Open Data from at least 5 new data sources (ARPA regions and similar).

Useful Links

Must know/learn:
Python, MySQL

Single Source of Truth

The platform is currently supported by a MySQL monolith database, which gets updated periodically. We need to explore how to make it dynamical, requesting the data directly to the source and using the database as a local cache.

Useful Links
  • Main thesis by G. Iselli
  • Recent additions by G. Darnois, V. Armandi and M. Monacchi (upon request)

Must know/learn:
Python, MySQL, W3C WoT (optional)

Official Documentation and Manual

We need the main Github page to be better organized and documented. We also need an online user manual with a walkthrough

Useful Links
  • Main thesis by G. Iselli
  • Recent additions by G. Darnois and V. Armandi (upon request)

Must know/learn:
Typescript, Angular

Arrowhead Tools

The Arrowhead Tools project in centered on Industrial IoT and Service Oriented Architectures. The main goal is to automate industrial tools to communicate seamlessly in a tool-chain. More can be found on our projects page.

Service Choreography

Arrowhead systems and tools need a seamless way to be orchestrated in a pipeline. The work involves the use of various systems (RPi, Smartphone, ...) and their automation through the Arrowhead Choreographer in a practical demo.

Useful Links
  • Arrowhead Framework Github page (hit the core-java-spring)
  • Paper on the Framework  
  • Paper on the Choreographer
Thesis (LAM)

Must know/learn:
Android, Java, Arrowhead Framework

Web of Things

The Web of Things seeks to counter the fragmentation of the IoT, making it much easier to create applications without the need to master the disparate variety of IoT technologies and standards. Digital twins for sensors, actuators and information services are exposed to consuming applications as local software objects with properties, actions and events, independently of the physical location of devices or the protocols used to access them.

Geo-ThingDirectory for smart cities

The goal of this thesis is to design and implement a Thing Directory with geo-spatial capabilities.

Useful Links

Must know/learn:
Typescript, Node,js,  W3C WoT Standard

OMNeT++ connector for the Web of Things

The goal of this thesis is to create a connector between a node-wot servient and the OMNeT++ simulator.

Useful Links

Must know/learn:
Typescript, Node,js,  W3C WoT Standard, C++

WoT Servient for mobile devices

The goal of this thesis is to design and develop a WoT servient for smartphones, with native or hybrid frameworks.

Useful Links

Must know/learn:
Typescript, Node,js,  W3C WoT Standard

Mobile Crowdsensing

Mobile Crowdsensing (MCS) is the paradigm for which phenomena of common interest, happening mostly in urban scenarios, are being monitored through the aggregation of the contribution of a crowd of mobile sensors and/or smartphones (e.g. Google Traffic API). You can read about MCS in this paper.

CrowdSensing on a CrowdSourcing platform

We will build a system integration between a MCS mobile system and a CrowdSourcing platform such as Amazon Mechanical Turk to handle micro-payments.

Useful Links
  • Paper about CrowdSensing and Crowdsourcing

Must know/learn:
Any mobile-friendly Web Framework, Fluent English

The Costs of CrowdSensing

The idea is to compute the cost to deploy and maintain an infrastructure to sense specific data. Then it is possible to determine what is the price someone is allowed to pay to users if the same data is obtained through crowdsensing. The system should leverage open data and real parameters.

Useful Links
  • Paper about CrowdSensing and Crowdsourcing

Must know/learn:
Any programming language (preferably python)

Client for MCS on Ethereum

This is an early idea that aims to design a MCS scenario over a commercially available blockchain (Ethereum). Optionally we can think of developing the relative smart contracts, but the main focus is the mobile client.

Useful Links

Must know/learn:
Any platform for Mobile development, Solidity (optional)  

Activity Recognition & Context Awareness

Here we have miscellaneous works on Activity recognition and Context Awareness. Most of them are LAM-enabled as we will leverage the inner sensors of smartphones.

Path Planner for Bicycles

The aim is to design a path planner (like GMaps) specifically for bicycles, which does not give only teh shortest path, but the best path according to a number of other features (road quality, etc..)

Useful Links
  • Thesis by V. Conte (upon request)
Thesis (LAM)

Must know/learn:
Android, Python, Machine Learning

Text Recognition from Sensors

We will use the smartphones to collect a dataset for text recognition and try to understand what the user is typing using sensor data.

Useful Links
  • Our first paper
  • Thesis by A. Alcaras, D. Zanolini (upon request), G. Augello (upon request)
Thesis (LAM)

Must know/learn:
Android, Python, Machine Learning

Comparison Study on Pedometers

We will compare different pedometers and find a way to feed synthetically sensor data to an android emulator to create a solid test.

Useful Links
  • Thesis by G. Neri (upon request)
  • An old project that produces sensor traces for android emulators
Thesis (LAM)

Must know/learn:
Android, Java

Text and Drive

We will use the Android sensors to understand whether a person is in a car and driving (i.e. sitting in the front left seat).
In order to test this you must have access to a car. 

Useful Links
  • An early paper for inspiration
Thesis (LAM)

Must know/learn:
Android, Java

Drones and autonomous systems

Applications and system analysis for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)

Simulator development (DROMNeT++)

We want to have an integrated simulator tool to model multi-UAV systems. The idea is to integrate the following simulators/frameworks:

  • wireless communication (e.g. OMNeT++);
  • mobility control (e.g. Ardupilot);
  • 3D flight simulators (e.g. Gazebo, Airsim)

Useful Links

Must know/learn:
C++, Systems Simulation, Wireless communications

Mobile application for drone swarms

Parrot-Sphinx is a simulation tool developed by Parrot to test the control of a drone. We want to investigate the possibility to control multiple drones (internship). If this is the case, we want to develop an application that is able to easily mange a swarm of drones.

Useful Links
Internship/Thesis (LAM)

Must know/learn:
Android, Systems Simulation,
Linux scripting